Got reason why some relationship doesn’t last long or some women just wanted to be treated like a princess all the way by men. Hey there girlfriend, bad news is, life is not like that. Never act to be that pretty princess without doing anything right, make sure you know how to prioritize and treat your man first and in return he will not treat you like a princess but instead his queen.
No.10 Moderate neuroticism
Women suffer more from anxiety disorders than men do, and studies show that excessively anxious (or highly neurotic) women report less satisfaction with their relationships than women who score lower on this trait. At the same time, some scientists have hypothesized that moderate levels of neuroticism may actually be attractive; as they imply that a woman will be a good mother, concerned for the welfare of her children. Don’t confuse yourself with neuroticism over psychoticism or you don’t want your man have mental ward’s number on his speed dial.
Crazy me and friends! |
No.9 She wears red
We all know that red is the color traditionally associated with love, sex and romance but a study by Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta proposes that our interest in this color may actually have a biological basis. The idea is less wacky than it seems, as plenty other species use this color as a marker for mating. Nowadays pink as the new red is already accepted from the psychological aspect, (though I may sound bias upon saying this), the color is the subtler and feminine version of red that signals out same vibes. And besides men find it cute. (See I’m biased again :-) )
My 29th birthday. |
No.8 Waist-to-hip ratio
There is a magic number when it comes to the ratio between a woman's waist and hips that men find most exciting. In the Western world, that number is 0.7, which means that the circumference of a woman's waist is 70% the circumference of her hips. In other cultures, slightly lower or slightly higher ratios have been found to be attractive to men from those cultures. From an evolutionary perspective, a ratio under 0.6 may signal hips that are not well suited to childbirth, and a ratio in excess of 0.8 could suggest fertility difficulties related to being overweight. Come on girlfriend, its time to grab that hula-hoop hippie yey! ;-)
No.7 Large eyes and a balanced mouth
There’s a notion that men find large eyes appealing on women, such as feature may serve as an indicator of femininity based on substantial research points. On the other hand large eyes and a balance mouth means, women must open their eyes to real situation and make sure to control their mouth. In short, control the nagging part and be open and sensitive to his real world such as his job, workload, and his role in the family, his desire, intellect and stand.
No.6 Bodily attractiveness
She just simply knows how to seduce her own man, in her own way.
No.5 Agreeableness and ability to empathize
Again, being a brat is a red-flag to men, though at times they may find it cute but more often than not, it drives them crazy and drains them out. Learn when to stop, to listen to them, to understand and of course to empathize. They are not just there to pamper, hug, and brush your hair every second of the day. They also need to work, to sleep, to connect with their parents, siblings and/or relatives. This is one way for to find out as well if your guy is worth the man, through his attitude towards his career (and someday for both of you), the way he treats his momma, the way he reaches out to his siblings or relatives. If all the time its gonna be all about you, then you’ll end up one sad frog princess until you grow old, or if ever you’ll find one I bet you picked him up in the streets where he spend 20 hours of it from the entire 24 hours a day is made of.
No.4 She got some sense into her brains.
You don’t need to memorize the whole edition of Grolier’s Encyclopedia or know all the major planets and sub planets in the universe, you don’t need to complete a whole computer programming language, leave it to your man, you just need to be rational and maternal enough when at times their brain battery drains out. Street smart savvy and a power chic is all you need.
No.3 Self-sacrificing
Women in a romantic state of mind are more likely than men to endorse volunteering or engaging in charitable deeds. The catch, however, is that women indicated a preference for engaging in this self-sacrificing behavior in public places, suggesting perhaps an unconscious sexual motivation on their parts and the notion that men may find this trait appealing in a woman.
No.2 She appreciates you
One of the major complaints men have in a long-term relationship is that they often feel criticized, as if nothing they do can please their partner. In other words, they feel unappreciated, which (unsurprisingly) has consequences for their relationship and the couple's sex life. Conversely, research by marriage expert John Gottman has shown that partners who regularly show appreciation for each other report higher levels of overall satisfaction with their relationships.
No.1 Facial attractiveness
Compare to female specie, men are more likely to initially look at their lover's face. Together, these studies may offer some insight into why women spend significantly more time primping their faces by applying makeup and doing their hair than they do adorning their bodies.
Your truly with Yashica Vir, Dennis Celestial, Jerry Ocampo, Andrew Philip, Jacq Yu |
(added photo / edits April 2011: shots taken by rookie c, justin a, dolf ponsaran, nanay dayna from the outing, CACCoP graduation, Glam Holiday FShow, wedding, my birthday, holiday 2010)
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Personality type: High Maintenance
You pride yourself on being assertive and direct; everyone else thinks you're bossy and arrogant. You're constantly running your mouth about topics that only you would find interesting. Your capacity for wasting other people's time is limitless. Your friends find you intolerable, that's why they're plotting to kill you.
Also drinks: Water. Bottled, chilled, with four ice cubes, a twist of lemon, in a crystal glass.
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