Thursday, February 01, 2018

I'll never forget that for the first time

I'll never forget the day I met you. I'll never forget the way you made me feel. I'll never forget that the time when everything was dark and I saw a light in you. You made me look forward to something brighter. You made me believe that sometimes, just when you are about to lose all hope, God sends you someone to remind you that beauty still exists and it can move every nerve and vein in your heart. It can pump the life back into your heart and back into your soul.

I'll never forget that the time when I was ready to give up on myself, you gave me something to fight for. You reawakened my faith in people and their kindness. You were like a gift I never thought I'd receive.

I'll never forget that for the first time, you made me sleep with a smile on my face instead of tears. I'll never forget that you made me dream happy dreams and wake up wanting to live each one of them. You made me believe in miracles again.

I'll never forget the way you made me feel. Even if and if ever we won't meet again, Even if we lose touch and move to different continents I will never forget you. I'll always remember the time I met you as a time of revival. A time of reawakening. A time of healing. I will never forget that you healed me in a very short time.

You are not part of my plan but I didn't know that you will be part of the plan -- of God's plan. It was planned and mapped already as to when to meet you, cross path with you. I always say I wish I have met you earlier or met you first. But that's not the design of life and not the plan. You are perfect. The timing is perfect.

I'll never forget the way you made me feel because, for the first time in a very long time, I felt something real. I felt everything with you after years of feeling nothing.

And for that, I'll always be thankful for you.

Thank you for reminding me that life is still worth living, still magical, still beautiful.

Thank you for reminding me that soft hearts feel each other. Kind eyes recognize each other. And a simple touch from the right person can heal every broken piece of your heart.

**Anne Michelle **

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